In the year 2062, humanity found itself on the brink of extinction. Tiberium, the mysterious, alien crystalline structure that infested Earth for decades and caused years of relentless conflict between the Global Defense Initiative (GDI) and the Brotherhood of Nod, was close to rendering the planet uninhabitable. In the midst of this crisis, Kane, Nod's prophetic leader, emerged from seclusion to deliver GDI the message that he had developed a system that could control Tiberium and harness its power. But he could not build this "Tiberium Control Network" without GDI's cooperation. Thus, the two opposing factions—GDI and Nod—found themselves in a desperate and unlikely alliance to stop Tiberium from extinguishing mankind.
Platform: PC
Ship Date: 2010
Online Capable: Yes
# of Players: 1-10
Price: $49.99
ESRB Rating: Not yet rated
"Kane. GDI. Nod. Tiberium. How will it end?"
Now, after 15 years, the network is nearly complete. Tiberium is under strict control and our revitalized planet is on the cusp of a new age of prosperity and progress. It is only now that the world's citizens begin to seriously ponder why Kane chose to help, and what he will want in return. These questions and more lead to the dramatic final act of the 15-year Tiberium saga in Command & Conquer 4 Tiberian Twilight.
Kane. GDI. Nod. Tiberium. How will it end? Find out in Command & Conquer 4 Tiberian Twilight, told through gritty live-action cinematics, persistent player progression, and a multitude of innovations to the classic fast and fluid Command & Conquer gameplay.
•The Epic Conclusion to the Tiberium Saga – Kane returns in the thrilling conclusion to one of gaming’s longest running storylines, told through gritty live-action cinematics. Choose to take on the campaign solo or team up with a friend and play cooperatively!
•Persistent Player Progression – The more enemy units you destroy, the more experience points you earn to progress your player profile! Level up to unlock new units, powers, and upgrades to make your army more powerful!
•Always on the Move – For the first time ever in the C&C series: a massive, mobile, all-in-one base, The Crawler, lets you pack up and move your base with your army for a new layer of strategic depth. Build units as you move across the field, and deploy whenever and wherever you choose!
•Choose Your Class – Choose from three unique classes from both GDI and Nod, each with its own specialized units and powers, for more strategic and combative options that match your play style of choice! Offense, Defense, or Support classes—which will you pick?
•Team Up and Take the Battle Online – Join your fellow commanders online and tackle your opponents in the biggest C&C multiplayer to date, featuring 5 vs 5 objective-based battles! Choose your favorite class and take online strategy action to the next level as you conquer objectives while pummeling your enemies. The all-new party system lets you move with your party of friends from one online battle to the next.
Modern Warfare 2 (packaged as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2) is an upcoming first-person shooter video game developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. Officially announced on February 11, 2009, the game is due for worldwide release on November 10, 2009. It is the sixth installment of the Call of Duty series, and the direct sequel to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, continuing along the same storyline. Modern Warfare 2 will be released in conjunction with two other Call of Duty games: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Mobilized for the Nintendo DS,and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, a port of Call of Duty 4 adapted by Treyarch for the Wii console.[10] In addition, a comic book series based on one of the game's characters will also be produced, entitled Modern Warfare 2: Ghost. The developer has stated that the game's proprietary IW 4.0 game engine is an improvement over the engine used in its previous game.
In response to questions about the length of the single-player campaign, Infinity Ward CCO Jason West stated that Modern Warfare 2 would not be longer than the 6-10 hour-long campaign of Call of Duty 4. Mission settings in the game will include Russia, a military base in Kazakhstan, a desert area in Afghanistan, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A trailer released on the official Infinity Ward Youtube page teased fighting at the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C., although it is unknown if the game will feature fighting in that setting . New features include the ability to dual wield handguns. Multiplayer Special Ops
Modern Warfare 2 will feature a cooperative mode entitled Special Ops, which consists of independent missions similar in design to the "Mile High Club" epilogue mission from Call of Duty 4. These missions will take place in a variety of locations from the campaign mode, but are not related to story of the campaign itself. Special Ops supports cooperative play for up to two players, and can be played alone, in split-screen locally with another player, or online with another player. It includes such scenarios as a snowmobile race, a battle alongside U.S. Navy SEALs, and fending off a wave of 50 enemies at once.
Special Ops is divided into separate groups of missions with changeable difficulty levels. The third group, "Charlie", includes the mission "Breach and Clear", where the objective is to just make it to the end of the level. At the beginning of a mission, players select what weapon to use from several scattered around a room before the actual mission commences. Once a choice has been made, a nearby wall is breached and the mission begins. At the end of each mission, a statistics screen displays how long the player took to complete the level and how many kills were scored. Successfully completing a mission earns the player stars, with missions completed on Veteran difficulty rewarding up to three stars. These stars can be used to unlock further missions in the mode. Online
Gameplay in the online multiplayer mode
The online multiplayer mode of Modern Warfare 2 retains the same experience points and unlockable reward system of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, but also introduces several new features. Aside from new weapons and equipment, 15 different kill streak rewards can be unlocked and selected by the player. Among these is the ability to receive a supply drop after four kills, a predator missile strike after five kills, and to call in a strike by an AC-130 gunship after achieving 11 enemy kills in a row. It is also now possible to upgrade perks to a "pro version". Another new addition to online multiplayer, is in game host migration, which means that if the match host leaves the game, players will remain (instead of being reset to the game lobby like in Call of Duty 4) while a new host is selected and the game resumes.[20] Game modes include Free-For-All, Search & Destroy, Demolition, Domination, Team Deathmatch, and Capture The Flag.